Future-proof your marketing measurement with Bayesian MMM, giving you the power back with a privacy-friendly approach to a cookieless world.
As privacy laws transform the digital landscape, traditional attribution models falter, making it crucial for marketers to find reliable alternatives to measure and evaluate their marketing efforts.
Embrace the power of Bayesian marketing-mix modeling (MMM) to gain a comprehensive understanding of your marketing performance without the need for large historical datasets and tracking cookies.
Upgrade your marketing strategies and achieve consistent results with 1749's Bayesian marketing-mix modeling – the ideal solution for measuring marketing effectiveness in the face of complex, real-world market dynamics.
Bayesian MMM decomposes historical sales and marketing data to identify relationships between marketing mix components, external factors, and sales, enabling full visibility of the key drivers of your business.
Incorporate domain knowledge, uplift tests, and previous analysis to guide the model towards a "realistic source of truth" that expresses marketing intuition and certainty, resulting in improved accuracy.
Leverage the uncertainty derived from Bayesian MMM to allocate budgets that maximize ROI, while quantifying risk for more informed decision-making.
Bayesian models excel in handling complex structures, missing data, and correlated inputs, making them more adaptable than other statistical models.
Determine the best-performing marketing channels and optimize your marketing strategy by focusing on areas that provide the highest ROI.
Establish a consistent approach to measuring marketing effectiveness, fostering a shared understanding of performance evaluation and driving long-term improvement.
Our approach allows for the modeling of complex relationships and interactions between marketing variables and outcomes. This flexibility leads to more realistic representations of how different marketing elements work together in dynamic market environments.
Rather than providing single-point estimates, Bayesian explicitly accounts for uncertainty in the estimation process, quantifying the uncertainty in predictions and effects. Marketers can thus make informed decisions, understanding not just the most likely outcomes but also the range of possible outcomes.
A powerful tool for optimizing high marketing spend, managing complex and large-scale campaigns, and making strategic decisions in a risk-informed manner. Offering the ability to incorporate prior knowledge, adapt to market changes, and handle the complexities inherent in big business operations.
The ability to update models and predictions as new data becomes available means that models can evolve over time, remaining relevant and accurate. This is particularly valuable in fast-changing markets where staying abreast of current trends and impacts is crucial.
Assimilate and analyze disparate data streams for more accurate and nuanced modelling. Use diverse types of data, from sales figures and marketing spend to social media sentiment and market trends, by treating them as inputs with varying degrees of certainty.
By integrating and interpreting diverse data sets within a unified framework and providing a probabilistic view of marketing effectiveness and ROI, Bayesian MMM delivers more nuanced insights and quantifiable uncertainty measures for a more realistic and dynamic, single source of truth for strategic decision-making.
Marketers need a new way to track and measure in a cookieless and privacy-led world. Bayesian MMM delivers a more robust and nuanced understanding of marketing effectiveness, particularly when faced with unreliable or limited data.
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